Students of Ravne Secondary School, under the guidance of the headmistress Ivanka Stopar and the mentorship of teachers Igor Kosmač and Slavko Koljibabić, and with the help of expert advice of Tea Kovše and Katja Vravnik, have made the first metal puppet, which, with a few modifications, was based on

16/11 – 27/12 2021 Dear friends, During these two months we actively played and explored. We held a total of 8 workshops! SOMEONE ELSE’S SHOES At the sixth workshop, we examined the attitudes and prejudices we cultivate towards certain social groups, different individuals, and social phenomena in the school context.

Gledališče DELA/Theatre WORKS and the Ravne Secondary School in Slovenia are already using innovative teaching materials for democracy education presented by the Vienna Forum for Democracy and Human Rights (Vienna, Austria). All the knowledge gained guided the search for the main theme for the puppet show at the end of

We are a diverse group of artists from different fields from Ravne na Koroškem, Slovenia. Therefore we can offer a wide range of performances. From miniature puppetry for adults, horror on the big stage to performing variete and shadow theatre.Our specialty is performing in various places – halls, castles, cemetaries

Where shall we start? Our school is a diverse, multi-coloured and loving place in the downtown area of Budapest. Our class is 10/d and we are specialised in learning different techniques of theatre, singing, dancing and many more. Our class is a really understanding, and adaptive class, we like working

Association of playwrights, artists and theatre practicioners Our main objective is to promote contemporary drama and to present international theatre performances in Hungary, in Europe and all around the world. Our programs include children’s and youth theatre performances, international cooperation projects, conferences and workshops. Our artists participating in Democracy and

Through pupil-centred, differentiated teaching, open learning and free work, every pupil at our school should be encouraged to develop his or her own abilities in order to make the most of them. Social learning is firmly anchored in the timetable in order to promote the acquisition and development of social

Primary school „Ilija Bircanin“ was built 55 years ago in Belgrade, in the municipality Zemun. It is considered to be a large school – about 1200 pupils and over 100 employees. This school is situated in a specific multietnic suburb and educates children of different social, confessional and ethnic origin.

Little Theatre “Duško Radović” was founded in 1948 as the “Puppet Theater of the People’s Republic of Serbia”. Since 1968, he has been working in the first dedicated children’s theater in Yugoslavia, organized in two stages. The institution is a repertoire theater for children and youth with a permanent ensemble

The methods used in the project are interactive and participatory and are intended to support the development of democratic competences. The first aim is to strengthen the democratic competence of the teachers and theatre educators themselves. Only if they have a basic democratic attitude and reflect on it, can