Through pupil-centred, differentiated teaching, open learning and free work, every pupil at our school should be encouraged to develop his or her own abilities in order to make the most of them. Social learning is firmly anchored in the timetable in order to promote the acquisition and development of social skills and to strengthen the class community. The class council aims to strengthen democratic cooperation. In regular meetings, the pupils discuss topics that are important to them and make decisions about how to live together.
The pupils work with the COOL plan in open learning phases for about one third of the class time. They can decide for themselves when they want to work on certain tasks and whether they want to work alone, in pairs or in groups. Teachers support, advise and respond to the individual learning needs of the students. In addition, “PLUS days” take place on five days per school year to promote the individual interests and talents of the children. Various themed mornings are offered in the areas of sports, theatre, experimental exercises, singing, first aid and computer science.
We place particular emphasis on cooperation with extracurricular organisations and partners who support the children in their learning or leisure activities. Participation in international projects such as Democracy & Puppetry gives our pupils an insight into the lives of their peers in Europe and an intensive examination of social issues relevant to their lives today and in the future.